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Bateson G. The Pattern of Armaments Race - Part I: An Anthropological
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Bateson G. Bali: The Value System of a Steady State // Social Structur
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Bateson G. Language and Psychotherapy, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann's Last P
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Bateson G. Schizophrenic Distortions of Communication // Psychotherapy
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Bateson G. The New Conceptual Frames for Behavioral Research // Procee
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Bateson G. Cultural Problems Posed by a Study of Schizophrenic Process
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Bateson G. Perceval's Narrative, A Patient's Account of his Psychosis,
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Bateson G. A Social Scientist Views the Emotions // Expression of the
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Bateson G. Exchange of Information about Patterns of Human Behavior //
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Bateson G. Metalogue: What Is an Instinct? // Approaches to Animal Com
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Bateson G. A Re-examination of "Bateson's Rule" // J. of Genetics. 197
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